marconi360 ascolto 01Installation: Luca Serasini
Soundscape: Marco Ricci del Mastro / SINTESIMUSIC
Sound engineer: Roberto del Mastro

Duration: 6h

The soundscape created by Marco Ricci del Mastro was conceived to evoke an aura around Luca Serasini's installation for the installation Gli Ascoltatori/Marconi 360. During the visit to the installation its duration does not allow integral listening and interaction with the psychic state that it wants to accompany: drowsiness, sleep, dream, meditation.

Only by spending a night, with a minimum of comfort that allows the activities mentioned above, could the meaning of work be grasped. For this reason, the author proposes to stop in the exhibition space running the piece, from 1.00 to 7.00, at the end of the night the users can exchange any dreams or feelings had, during breakfast and draw up a notebook of the same, which is part of the work itself.

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