ilSognoDiGiacobbe 01Interactive installation: Luca Serasini
Soundscape: Marco Ricci del Mastro
28 x 18,5 x 72,5 cm
Stone, copper, mp3 player, headphone
Duration: 60'

Thanks to Fabio Cosci (Marconi Lab Coltano) and Jaleh Bahrabadi (Archivio di Stato di Pisa)

This installation, created and showed for the exhibition "Marconi e la stazione radiotelegrafica di Coltanoā€¯ that took place at Palazzo Toscanelli in Pisa makes clear reference to the figure of Guglielmo Marconi and to the biblical passage that tells of Jacob's Dream, between a mutual alternation of concepts that investigate matter and spirit, Earth and Sky and the bond that unites not only visually these two areas of existence. 

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Princess Elettra Marconi, the daughter of Gugliemo Marconi, was present at the opening.

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If we think, for example, of the staircase dreamed of by Jacob, one immediately visualizes a strong archaic symbolism that aims at raising the spirit, which in this case rises in parallel with the scientific discoveries of Marconi, genius of our history that has allowed us and allows us today to understand the universe, as a precursor of satellite communications.

The audio created by Marco Ricci del Mastro evokes an aura around the physical work; His studies are oriented to a type of listening both physical / sound and inner / psychic, all understood as a synthesis of technique and feeling. His job was to combine sound paintings in which he built 'appearances', segments of sounds that have not reached their final definition, just like a tour of the world that electromagnetic waves make bringing with them voices, picking up signals, collecting the momentary impressions of humanity in a global communication that is clearly unfinished.

Text by Alessandro Schiavetti

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